
Welcome to my blog. I am a 28 year old stay at home mom of two wonderful children. My son just turned 10 and my daughter just turned 3. I hope that you enjoy reading everything and if you have any questions or comments please let me know. I hope you have a great day!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

China recalls needles that snapped in infant's vein

Ok has anyone else heard this story? I know it happened in China and not in the US but what is up with China? I never thought that I would be one of those people who looks at where items are made at before they purchase them. I love to shop and I love everything. I can't believe all the stories that we are hearing where items made in China are killing babies and making people sick. Something needs to be done. I would be scared to go through my house right now and find all the stuff I have that was made in China. I bet it is a huge percentage of my belongings. To think that it would be possible for our children to be exposed to something toxic like that without us even knowing. We try to be the best parents we can be. This story sickens me. To think about that poor little baby having a needle stuck in his arm. Like getting shots isn't already traumatic enough for them. My goodness, this country really needs to get a handle on things. Ugh that makes me mad!

Go here to see the full story.

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